IMHO Nokia remains a one-handed smartphone solution where as the other smartphones rely on two handed control. Is a two-handed smartphone really any smarter or is simply larger.
So if you are in your car with a two-handed solution, well, be aware! iPhone lifted the game for everyone in the smartphone play but Android also offers something of pending interest. Symbian remains lurking... Nokia what are they doing?
Engadget Reveiws Six Smartphone Oper5ating Systems
As soon as Apple rolled out its preview of iPhone OS 3.0, the comparisons to existing (and forthcoming) mobile OSs started flying. While the major update isn't exactly a done deal, it's pretty far along, and we've been able to glean quite a bit from our time with the developer beta we've been checking out. iPhone OS, Android, webOS, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, S60; if you're in the market for a new smartphone, your choices have been getting exponentially more complicated lately, and 3.0 won't make the selection any easier. Luckily for you, Engadget is here to make sense of a frightening and uncertain landscape. Read on for an in-depth look at the similarities -- and differences -- between modern mobile operating systems.